Meet Maddie

Maddie Cimino is 22 years old and was born and raised in Huntsville, AL. Just months after starting Maddie’s Cookie Company, she began her freshman year of college at Auburn University. With the help of her Mom Sherri, Maddie has continued to grow her business while attending Auburn and will graduate in May of 2024 from the School of Accountancy. With a deep love for her hometown and small business, Maddie is eager to return to Huntsville upon her graduation. 

Our Story

Maddie Cimino discovered her love for baking and spreading joy during her senior year at Huntsville High School. Her friends and family had loved her chocolate chip cookies for years, so she decided to start trying out new baked goods to share. Half-way through her senior year, in December of 2019, she started an Instagram blog called Munching with Maddie. She posted photos of what she was baking each day and even shared a few recipes. After Christmas, she decided to start focusing only on cookies. 

On January 1, 2020, Maddie posted to Instagram that she was selling her cookies for the first time. She had very few recipes and only sold her Peanut Butter Monster and Chocolate Chip cookies. She baked and sold the cookies out of her childhood home through a porch pick up system and baked in her basement that had the best old convection ovens. As she continued to receive more and more orders, she quickly created new recipes and found her specialty in thick, gooey cookies. Most days, Maddie would get up between 4 and 5 AM to bake all of her orders before going to school in the morning so she could come home in the afternoons and test out new cookie flavors. 

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit just 2 months after Maddie started selling cookies, she was suddenly done with her senior year of high school a few months early and used her time at home to focus solely on selling her cookies and creating new flavors. Throughout the pandemic, her following continued to grow rapidly and she realized the opportunity she had to spread joy with her delicious cookies in such an uncertain time. In April of 2020, Maddie named the business Maddie’s Cookie Company and set her mission statement to be “Spreading Joy One Cookie at a Time!” 

May 15, 2020, Maddie opened her pop-up shop at Clinton Row in Downtown Huntsville. She continued accepting preorders and offered pick up from the store and also had extra cookies available for purchase. She hardly ever had a day where she didn’t sell out early and would go home to prep as many cookies as possible for the next day. As Maddie’s Cookie Company continued to grow, she moved the business out of her house and started using her first commercial kitchen space that she still uses today. 

Just months after opening the store, Maddie started her freshman year at Auburn University. She decided to keep the pop-up shop and come home at least once a month to take orders for the weekend. As the year went on and Maddie needed more help, her Mom, Sherri, decided to join her in the kitchen and they have been a mother-daughter business ever since! After two years in the pop-up shop, Maddie decided to close the store and focus on wholesale, catering, corporate giving, and brought back the porch pick-up system for smaller orders. 

Today, Maddie still manages the business from Auburn as her Mom continues fulfilling orders while she is at school. Maddie’s fresh baked cookies and frozen cookie dough is currently sold in local retailers in Huntsville, AL and she hopes to expand to many new retailers. When Maddie announced she was selling her cookies back in January of 2020, she included the verse Isaiah 43:19 - “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” It is incredible to see how this verse so perfectly described what was to come for Maddie’s Cookie Company and what we believe is still to come.